Follow-up meeting of key manufacturers at NEC

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Follow-up meeting of key manufacturers at NEC

On 23rd September 2022, there was a follow-up meeting of key manufacturers, entrepreneurs, fabricators and managers of mass transport entities committed to pioneering the migration from fossil fuels to electric-powered transport at NEC Headquarters.
This follows the meeting held at the State House chaired by H.E the President Gen (Rtd) Yoweri Museveni on 20th September 2022.
It has always been the wish of the President that Uganda should have made a full transition to Electric Vehicles within 20 years.
 The President observed that” the current way to address the current fuel crisis in Uganda is to move from petrol to electric cars , buses, motorcycles and trains.”
The group was welcomed by Maj Gen Sabiiti Muzeyi; the General Manager -of Luwero Industries.

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