State Minister for Finance and Economic Development; Hon Evelyn Anita visited Uganda Free Zones Authority under construction by NEC Construction Works and Engineering Ltd.

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State Minister for Finance and Economic Development; Hon Evelyn Anita visited Uganda Free Zones Authority under construction by NEC Construction Works and Engineering Ltd.

On 19th April, 2022, the State Minister for Finance and Economic Development; Hon Evelyn Anita visited Uganda Free Zones Authority under construction by NEC Construction Works and Engineering Ltd-a subsidiary of NEC at Entebbe International Airport.
She was impressed by the project’s progress and applauded NEC for quality work  at a rather low  cost compared to foreign companies.
She informed the stakeholders that she came to visit the project and give confidence to the doubting Thomas in Uganda that NEC; a Goverment Agency couldn’t handle a project of such magnitude.
She promised NEC more work and encouraged it to keep to the standards.
On his part, Eng Brian Buhanda; the General Manager-NEC Works thanked UFZA for the trust and confidence put in NEC.
He informed the Minister that NEC Works’ wish is to become a national construction company that would bridge the gap to capital flight.
He promised UFZA management to deliver quality work.

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