The Deputy Speaker of the Parliament of Uganda; The Rt Hon Thomas Tayebwa pay’s a courtesy call to Kiira Ev Factory.

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The Deputy Speaker of the Parliament of Uganda; The Rt Hon Thomas Tayebwa pay’s a courtesy call to Kiira Ev Factory.

Yesterday 12th October 2022, the Deputy Speaker of the Parliament of Uganda; the Rt Hon Thomas Tayebwa paid a courtesy call to Kiira Ev Factory  to check on the progress of the construction.
The Speaker appreciated commendable work so far done  by NEC Construction Works and Engineering Ltd and pledged support.
Kiira  Ev Vehicle factory is under construction by NEC Construction Works and Engineering Ltd and is slated to be commissioned soon.
The Speaker was received by Eng  Paul Musasizi; the CEO-Kiira Motors Corporation and present was Eng Brian Buhanda; the General Manager NEC Works among others.

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